Purpose, Vision & Culture
Our purpose
To bring life through Jesus to the South Coast and beyond.
Our vision
- We see people committed to growing in their relationship with God for themselves and their families.
- We see a faith community that is Kingdom minded, planting churches, making disciples and sending them into every sphere of life.
- We see a thriving, united community of disciples who are connected, invested, serving and resting in God's presence.
- We see a vibrant safe church full of all ages, ministering with a bias towards young people.
- We see a church who is intentionally and strategically reaching out to the community through our relationships, programs and facilities.
- We see a healing, restorative community, known for its authentic relationships and empowering grace.
Our culture
Faith beyond reason
We believe in a God who is bigger, wilder & better than anything else. We expect God to do impossible miraculous things in and through & around us. We listen to the Holy Spirit & obey His promptings in the big & the small.
Hope that transforms
We celebrate the GOOD NEWS of salvation through Jesus. We are disciples who make disciples. We expect God’s goodness, power & grace to flow to & through each of us.
Love like Jesus
We give & serve generously. We welcome & value everyone. We are a community for the community.